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InReach Productions Postpones Microfilm Festival.

Unfortunate News

Thank you for your interest and your participation in the InReach Productions Microfilm Festival. Unfortunately, we have to announce that the film festival has been postponed until mid 2025. While the circumstances surrounding the postponing are beyond our control, we are taking this as an opportunity to produce a more in depth and interactive event for you!

What does that mean?

Well, we are now planning for the InReach Productions Film Festival to be held mid 2025. The Festival will have two categories of events. The microfilm competition along with the short film competition will offer filmmakers with double the opportunity to showcase your unique voice. Be on the look out for more information on the 2025 InReach Productions Film Festival.

What do I do?

If you have already submitted your film for the microfilm festival, thank you. All submissions have now been refunded. Stay connected via socail media and our newsletter to keep up to date on all of the events we have coming up at InReach Productions.

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